1. St. James Encyclopedia Of Labor History Worldwide: Major Events In Labor History And Their Impact
Author: /ed. By Neil Schlager, editor ; with introductions by Willie Thompson and Daniel Nelson.
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: جنبشهای کارگری,اتحادیههای کارگری , --دایرهالمعارفها,-- دایرةالمعارفها, -- تاریخ,-- تاریخ ,Labor movement -- History -- Encyclopedias.,Labor unions -- History -- Encyclopedias.
Classification :

2. St. James Encyclopedia of labor history worid wide: major events in labor history and their ompact
Author: /with introductions by Willie Thompson and Daniel Nelson
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)
Subject: جنبشهای کارگری-- تاریخ-- دایرةالمعارفها.,اتحادیههای کارگری-- تاریخ-- دایرةالمعارفها.
Classification :
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